Eric Clapton Speaks His Mind...

Eric Clapton has spoken out about learning to how to navigate the pandemic.

In the rambling 25-minute piece for Oracle Films (professional filmmakers that fight for open debate and freedom of information in the face of global government encroachment and big-tech censorship) he talks about where to turn to for the answers in navigating the pandemic (both the mainstream press and alternative outlets), his thoughts on the vaccine, his reaction to getting it, what his family and friends think of his beliefs, his disgust at ads that he feel are aimed at pressuring people into getting vaccinated, and more.

Clapton received the AstraZeneca vaccine and suffered major side effects, including flu-like symptoms and an increase in the pain he already gets from having Peripheral Neuropathy, which is not curable.

He says the vaccine took his immune system and "shook it around," and he "caught this anxiety syndrome... so much of the sickness is in our heads. We've become weak."

Clapton will hit the road in the U.S. in September, and he says his show is open to everyone.

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